Valentine's Day is kinda a scam.
/Valentine's Day is kinda a scam.
But still, a girl likes a little chocolate and some attention anyway.
Quick story:
You know Mike & I have been together a long time- on and off since high school in fact. So that's quite a few V-Days.
Once, a few years into dating, we decided that we wouln't do anything for Valentine's Day. We expressed our love to each other every day and we didn't need a holiday to make us do it.
The day arrived and Mike didn't get me anything. He didn't do anything. Not even a little note or a single Hershey Kiss.
He was shocked. I mean, we agreed, right?
Wrong. A girl wants something, anything, on Valentine's Day. My rational mind said it's a silly day, but my heart- my twenty year old emotion driven heart-said you messed up buddy!
Let's just say that it is a lesson Mike has never forgotten, because I won't let him.
So if your girl says she doesn't want you to make a fuss, get your butt out to the store and get her some candy and hand write her a love note. Because everyone wants to be remembered on V-Day.
And if you don't have a guy or a girl this year, forget it and celebrate with your friends. Galentine's Day is real, probably more real than Valentine's Day. I love my girls!
Happy Valentine's Day, ya'll.
Photos: @alicegpatterson Makeup: @alistartistry